Being”example conscious” will prompt us to go the extra mile so that others see the unmistakable, unequivocal example of godliness in our lives. Let’s […]
Pastor Alan
As Gods children being selfish in the long run brings unhappiness. May we learn this week, by meditating on God and His Word, that […]
Let’s concentrate our minds on the overwhelming victory that we are assured of in Jesus Christ. He never promised us that life in this […]
What is taught in our class rooms today will be a reflection of our politicians tomorrow. Unfortunately we are seeing a Godless society today […]
Christ wants us to be close to Him, to live with Him day and night, absorbing His skill in living and adopting His way […]
We should try to be as patient with others as God has been with us. Let’s show our gratitude for His patience in our […]
We need to strive for greater consistency in our lives. If we are not living what we say we believe, two things are likely […]
Our deeds can be hasty and our lives end up being half haphazard hodgepodges of this or that, rather than the well constructed results […]