Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit so we must be careful not to abuse. Proverbs 25:16, Proverbs 23: 20-21 and Proverbs […]
Pastor’s Corner
One day we will be justified or condemned by what we say in the day of judgement. Matthew 12:35-37, James 3:6-8 and Colossians 4:6.
Repent means to make an about face from our sin and get this under the blood of Christ. Matthew 3:1-2, Acts 2:38 and 2Peter […]
Arise and let the light of Christ shine in us today. Isaiah 60:1, Ephesians 5:14 and Philippians 2:15.
This day is celebrated in honor to those who lost their lives while defending their country. Jesus Christ gave His life for those would […]
Remember those things that the Lord taught us about truth and treasure them. 1 John 2: 24-27.
Being a hearer and a doer of Gods word is one thing, but also we must be willing to learn as His disciples through […]
Listening to God Word produces faith, which in turn is the foundation of our belief. Romans 10:17, Mark 4:24 and Matthew 13:20-22.