Absolutely not for holding the standard of the Word of God. Today truth is becoming more vague in our society. People are becoming more […]
Pastor’s Corner
The other day a person who had their kids in school said,” these teachers are transforming my kids and I don’t trust them”. The […]
In Matthew 4:19 Jesus told His followers to follow Me. Jesus sets the example and we would look at this as WWJD. Not only […]
With all of life’s problems today, the Lord wants us to take one day at a time to deal with them. Seeking Him first […]
All prophecies have been fulfilled in the Bible and we look forward to His return any day. Troubles are every where but the Lord […]
We all come from different back grounds and think differently about issues. Jesus Christ puts everything in prospective. Take the time to read read […]
Judah sinned against the Lord and God put them in captivity. Their sin was so great that Babylon took all the people except for […]
Making good choices is a wise way to go. Jesus told His disciples to continue in His word. This was His way or to […]