Back in the Old Testament a spotless animal would be sacrificed before the altar of God. The people of Israel would do this once […]
Pastor’s Corner
This summer is going by very quickly and we must use our time wisely. Christ is coming back for His church and we must […]
False teaching started at the Garden of Eden and continues to this day. Mixing truth with error has always been Satans trick. The increase […]
Today people invest in stocks, bonds, homes,401k and many other ways of making money. Over a period of time one can lose their investment […]
We all have reputations that each one of us builds on. This takes time and effort searching ourselves to be better men and women […]
Pray today that if we can, be a blessing to one another. If all possible take time out and help one another when they […]
What a wonderful thought of some one who we love and pray for. Life goes by so quickly and it’s gone in this world. […]
Submission in love is being humble in the face of God and one another. Ready as we are to conform to the His authority […]