What is more powerful in a Christians life ? Getting on our knees and praying. Taking time out from our activities and spending time […]
Pastor Alan
Anger is an emotion that when triggered sets off feelings of hatred, frustrations and bitterness. One must get under control of the Holy Sprit […]
Whatever obstacles block our path to God, God is greater than those. Jesus assured His disciples: I have said these things to you, that […]
Because Christ shed His blood for us , we need nor fear the wrath of Gods justice; we may rest in the confidence of […]
The Son of God took up himself mortal flesh and blood that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of […]
When the Prodigal Son came to his senses and returned home penitently to his father( Luke:20-24), the scene in which they were reunited is […]
Integrity means that there is a unity to our character: we live in our daily lives by the same principles we say we adhere […]
There is a great deal of peace in realizing that giving honor to God is the highest activity in life. When we show the […]