In 1 Samuel 17 David and Goliath have it out. For one example Goliath is over 9 feet tall compared to David who only […]
Pastor’s Corner
In a graduation lately many students walked out over a speaker that was pro life. What happened to peoples manners? What happened with the […]
It’s hard to trust people when there is so much dishonesty in the World. As the saying goes you have to earn someones trust. […]
It’s wonderful to spend time with family. Memories and relationships are precious to keep alive. Loving your family is a blessing. The church is […]
Another day to live is a gift from the Lord. Life goes by so quickly and soon is over. What have we done for […]
Thankfully there is going to be a lot of rain today. We need this for plants, trees, and for all life to survive. The […]
Self control is to control the body of the flesh and it’s lusts of the eyes and the pride of life. The sensual urges […]
Meekness is defined as gentle, tender, mild, humble, considerate, even balanced in temper and patience without revenge. In todays violent society the church needs […]